飲食是很個人的選擇,要平衡健康也要平衡味道滿足(還有價錢!)。從客觀角度分析,大家可以考慮以下四方面:1. 減肥效果:從熱量攝取角度,新款可樂始終0卡路里和0糖分,會較理想(最少短期上係)。代糖的減肥作用也有不少人類研究支持(雖然動物研究持反對觀點)。2. 健康問題:新款可樂的代糖有潛在健康風險。但普通可樂本身糖分甚高,長遠容易致肥之餘也可導致心血管病。3. 味道:問過好多人都感覺普通可樂好飲點(我就好耐冇飲過了,不能評論)。4. 價錢:普通可樂=$7-10;新款可樂=$16-18(你懂的)。如果大家對代糖健康問題有更深入興趣,可看看以下短片(由註冊營養師Jaclyn所拍)。 連結:www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VHNFQxXskc希望這篇文章能令你認識新款可樂的利弊和相關營養概念!同時,筆者覺得與其飲減肥可樂攝取纖維,不如用幾蚊買多個蘋果會否更健康實際呢?各位可樂迷/減肥朋友又有甚麼睇法? 科學文獻:1. Davidson, T.L., Sample, C.H., & Swithers, S.E. (2014). An application of Pavlovian principles to the problems of obesity and cognitive decline. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 108, 172.2. Welsh JA, Sharma A, Cunningham SA, Vos MB (2011). "Consumption of Added Sugars and Indicators of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among US Adolescents". Circulation. 123 (3): 249–57.3. Ebbeling CB, Feldman HA, Chomitz VR, Antonelli TA, Gortmaker SL, Osganian SK, Ludwig DS (2012). "A randomized trial of sugar-sweetened beverages and adolescent body weight". N. Engl. J. Med. 367 (15): 1407–16.4. Malik, V. S.; Popkin, B. M.; Bray, G. A.; Despres, J.-P.; Willett, W. C.; Hu, F. B. (2010). "Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes: A meta-analysis". Diabetes Care. 33 (11): 2477–2483. EP Fitness & Health 創辦人、運動科學博士生及認可體能健身教練 如想認識更多運動健康資訊,請即到:網頁:https://www.ericpoonfitness.comFB 專頁:https://www.facebook.com/ericpoonfitness